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Krišnos sąmonės judėjimas Sovietų Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje

Page history last edited by Admin 8 years, 4 months ago

Skiriami tokie Krišnos sąmonės judėjimo istorijos Sovietų Sąjungoje momentai:


1. Šrilos Prabhupados vizitas Maskvoje 1971 m. birželio mėn. 20-25 d.d.

2. Anantos Šanti (Anatolijus Piniajevas) pogrindinė veikla nuo 1971 m.

3. Indijos BBT dalyvavimas tarptautinėse knygų mugėse Maskvoje 1977 m. ir 1979 m.

4. Suintensyvėjęs viešas pamokslavimas, bandymas registruoti religinę bendriją, persekiojimų periodo pradžia 1981 m., sutampanti su Andropovo atėjimu į valdžią, ir su kitų religijų persekiojimais, persekiojimai tęsėsi iki 1987 m..


Šrilos Prabhupados vizitas Maskvoje 1971 m. birželio mėn. 20-25 d.d.


Tai kas link Šrilos Prabhupados vizito Maskvoje, susidaro įspūdis, kad vizitas buvo sunkiai suorganizuotas, o atmosfera nebuvo gera, nebuvo įmanoma suorganizuoti viešos paskaitos, tik tas vienas susitikimas su prof. Kotovskiu.


Čia pats Kotovskis pasakoja, kuris su Šrila Prabhupada susitiko:





Kotovskis mini tokius dalykus:


1. Tuometinė režimo nuomonė: Krišnos sąmonės judėjimas kreipiamas CŽV ir priešiškas Sovietų Sąjungos interesams

2. Sovietų užsienio reikalų ministerija kreipiasi į Kotovskio Rytų studijų institutą, kad Indijoje gautas prašymas apsilankyti Sovietų Sąjungoje, tame institute, nuo Šrilos Prabhupados. Institutas atsako, kad jie neturi intereso tokiam susitikimui, manant, kad viza neturėtų būti išduota.

3. Indijos atstovybė netikėtai paskambina Kotovskiui, ir pasako, kad Šrila Prabhupada yra Maskvoje, ir nori su juo susitikti.


Kotovskis kažką gal ir pamiršęs ar painioja, nes yra laiškai jam ir nuo jo Šrilos Prabhupados sekretoriui, bandant užmegzti ryšį:


1971 02 11 Šrilos Prabhupados sekretoriaus laiškas profesoriui V.V.Balabuševitč.


1971 03 16 Kotovskio atsakymas, informuoja kad V.V. Balabuševitč mirė, ir kad jeigu Šrila Prabhupada lankytųsi Maskvoje, kad jie džiaugtųsi jo apsilankymu institute:



March 16, 71

From: G. G. Kotovsky - SL_710316_A1


Dear Sir,

Referring your Letter to: Prof. V.V.Balabushevitch, dated 11/2/1971 I am to inform you that Professor V. V. Balabushevitch passed away on the 14th of December, 1970.

I thank you for your information about Swami Bhaktivedanta's lecturing tour. If he would come to Moscow, the Soviet scholars doing research in ancient Indian culture will be very happy to meet him in the Institute of Oriental Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences. I would be thankful to you for the information on the dates of Swami Bhaktivedanta's arrival and stay in the USSR.

Yours sincerely

G.G. Kotovsky

Head, Department of Indian and South Asian Studies,

Institute of Oriental Studies,

USSR Academy of Sciences,

Armyansky Perlk 2,

Moscow, USSR.



1971 04 23 Šrilos Prabhupados laiškas Kotovskiui: prisistatymas, kalba apie galimą vizitą. http://vanisource.org/wiki/710423_-_Letter_to_Professor_G._G._Kotovsky_written_from_Bombay


1971 05 17 Šrilos Prabhupados laiškas Kotovskiui, prašoma pakartoti atsakymą, nes gautas laiškas nuo Kotovskio pasimetė.


1971 06 07 Telegrama Kotovskiui nuo Šrilos Prabhupados sekretoriaus


1971 06 10 Laiškas Kotovskiui nuo Šrilos Prabhupados sekretoriaus


Šrilos Prabhupados atsiliepimai apie vizitą Sovietų Sąjungoje:


1. Sako, kad įvyko tik vienas turiningesnis susitikimas:


"So far Moscow is concerned, there was only one substantial meeting, with one Professor Kotovsky and the tape of that conversation is being transcribed. "




2. Sako, kad yra du bendradarbiaujantys vaikinai: vienas indas, vienas rusas. Vizitas apskritai nelabai sėkmingas, atmosfera nėra gera, bet yra vilčių. Indijos ambasada nelabai padėjo.


"We have come to Moscow on the 20th instant evening and I'm staying at the above hotel. The place is centrally situated amongst important buildings of Moscow. Yesterday afternoon we had a tour for three hours to see respective important places. The city is well-planned. There are big big houses and roads and at day time the streets are busy with buses, cars, and underground trains which are far better than American or English. The underground streets are very neat and clean. The surface streets are also daily washed. But there is some difficulty in collecting vegetarian foodstuffs; still we are cooking our meals by the cooker, which has saved our lives. We talked with one big professor Mr. Kotovsky and Syamasundara talked with many great writers and musicians. Two boys are working with us; one Indian and one Russian. So there is good prospect for opening a center, although the atmosphere is not very good. The Embassy was no help. So our visit to Moscow was not so successful, but for the future, it is hopeful. Tomorrow I go to Paris for one day, then to S.F. Rathayatra and then I shall come back to London. So you can reply me this letter in London address."




3. Sako, kad yra daug jaunų maskviečių, kurie norėtų prisijungti prie judėjimo, bet dėl valdžios kontrolės, sunku pradėti. Kad gyvenimas Sovietuose nėra laimingas, žmogus neturi pasirinkimo.


"From Calcutta I went to Bombay and then to Moscow. We stayed there for five days. There are many younger Muscovites who are very much anxious to join our movement. Unfortunately the government is so strict that it is difficult to take their cooperation for starting a center there. Every thing is strictly under government control. Still we are trying to open a center with the help of local men. The city is very big and there are many nice buildings, roads, etc., but life is not very happy. One cannot live according to his own choice. Fruits and vegetables are very scantily supplied, but milk, butter and yogurt are amply available."




Anantos Šanti pamokslavimas nuo 1971 m.


Vėlgi, viskas vyksta pogrindžio sąlygomis, saugantis represinių institucijų.


Pirmas tarpininkas iš Vakarų, kuris susitikdavo su Ananta Šanti buvo Hansadutta das, jis atvažiuodavo su žmona Himavati į Sovietų Sąjungą kaip turistas, arba skrisdavo į Indiją su 1 dienos persėdimu Maskvoje.


Jo prisiminimai: http://hansadutta.com/hansadutta-as-it-is/2013/06/04/passing-of-ananda-shanti-prabhu/


Rašo, kad Ananta Šanti akivaizdžiai slapstydavosi ir maskuodavosi, bijojo sekimo ir pasiklausymų:


We would go to his small place. Always he put on some record or radio very loud. First time he did this, I asked him why he was doing this. He said the place is probably bugged. Outside, walking on the Square, or bridge, he was always looking here and there and telling me not to talk loud, because we may be under surveillance and being recorded.


I had to take a tour package with fixed hotel and daily tours about the Moscow city. It was difficult and expensive, but the only way Himavati and I could manage to spend some time with Ananta Shanti.


Once he did a daring thing. He came to the dining room at our hotel, pretending to be a student interested in practicing his English. He sat down at our table, with the official tour guide present, and began talking. It was a good trick. On one trip there, Himavati and I brought him a green down jacket. We took some pictures of him and us on the KRASNA-POLSKI Square.




The alternative to connecting Russia to Prabhupada was flying over Moscow on our way to INDIA, with a one-night stay-over in a Moscow hotel. Everything would be co-ordinated so that when we were entering the hotel, Ananta Shanti would be exiting. I would put the harmonium, books or whatever down on the ground, and continue to walk, Ananta Shanti would pick these items up, and no one was the wiser.


Pirmas Hansaduttos ir Anantos Šanti susitikimas turėjo įvykti 1973 m., nes apie tai Hansadutta rašė Šrilai Prabhupadai, ir Šrila Prabhupada jam atsako: http://vanisource.org/wiki/731108_-_Letter_to_Hansadutta_written_from_Delhi


Šrilos Prabhupados laiške sakoma, kad Ananta Šanti praktikuoja. Sakoma, kad Hansadutta su juo veiktų labai ramiai ir atsargiai. Kalbama apie galimas Anantos Šanti vedybas su Mandakini devi dasi iš Prancūzijos. Taip pat Šrila Prabhupada sako, kad Bhagavad-gitą Ananta Šanti gali bandyti platinti pogrindyje taip, kaip krikščionys Sovietų Sąjungoje pogrindyje platina Bibliją.


"It is Krsna's mercy that you were able to take in a copy of Bhagavad-gita to Moscow. It is very encouraging that the boy without any association is maintaining the standard. This is due to his chanting 16 rounds and following the regulative principles. Now he should be in your charge, so you kindly guide him and keep him in our atmosphere and utilize him properly, but steadily and cautiously. Yes, you arrange for their marriage. I am writing both Bhagavan Das and Mandakini, the copies herewith enclosed. Their marriage will be very good, and both of them will get some strength. So guide them both as you think best. Yes, have our literature translated into Russian. Why not have our Bhagavad gita distributed underground there as they are doing the Bible? So you support him in any way, and write Mandakini to immediately go there. So far his engagement is concerned, it is not necessary that he join the Christian order. Better as you have suggested to preach amongst their friends and to gradually induce them to take interest."


Laiško gale, Šrila Prabhupada sako, kad nori dar nuvykti į Maskvą, bet geriau nebūti areštuotam:


"So far my coming to Moscow, yes I will come, but I may not be arrested. Still I shall go, and I shall speak on pure communism."




Vaišnavų, kuriuos Sovietų valdžia persekiojo, uždarė į  kalėjimus, lagerius ir psichiatrines ligonines sarąšas:


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